6409 Preston Road, Dallas, TX 75205  |   (214) 526-7221  |   info@prestonroad.org  |    |    |    |    |  
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Corona Virus Response 3.17.20

Corona Virus Response 3.17.20

In light of the latest restrictions by the City of Dallas and recommendations from the CDC regarding the COVID-19 virus, we will continue to suspend our live Sunday services and offer an online worship experience instead.

Our plans for this weekend are as follows:

  • We will send an email on Saturday with links to a pastoral care message (Caring and assisting other Preston Road members and neighbors), a teaching message from Wade, and other resources from the ministry staff.
  • Communion Kits will be available on Saturday from 10 am – 2 pm.  A minister will also be available during those hours if you desire someone to pray with you, visit with you, or if you would like to drop your offering off at the building(Safe Social Distancing Practices Observed.)
  • For those wishing to continue weekly giving, you can mail your check to Preston Road Church of Christ, Attn: Andrea Dyer, 6409 Preston Road, Dallas TX 75205 or you may give on-line at https://www.prestonroad.org/giving

We will continue to monitor the unfolding situation in our city and respond accordingly.  In the meantime, feel free to email or call the office if you need any additional information and watch for future communications.

Let us all continue praying for God’s presence, power, and provision for all who are being affected by this virus.


The Preston Road Elders and Staff